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Alef Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

 Disclosure: Some of the links mentioned in posts are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission from Amazon if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.

You Matter meditation pesach self love you matter Apr 21, 2024


One year, as a kid, on the night Pesach ended, I wrote a poem to my mom. 

I told her she’s awesome, and that the holiday was...

Gasp, breathwork family pesach podcast quintessence training Apr 15, 2024

I know! A blog post on a Monday! 

(If you're new here, my updates generally get sent out on Wednesdays.)

You're getting an early drop...

Are You Breathing? breathwork burnout podcast Mar 27, 2024

I'm a sensory person. In less fancy words, that just means that I get overwhelmed easily. 

Or at least I can, if I'm not taking care to set...

Ignite Bonus Call with Rivka Slatkin counseling ignite interview marriage relationships Mar 20, 2024

I'm so excited to release the recording of our third Ignite Bonus call with Rivka Slatkin of the Marriage Restoration Project


Ignite Bonus Call with Pessy Schwartz bonus ignite interview podcast Mar 06, 2024

I'm a giver. I wish I could do what I love, giving what I love to people I love and will eventually fall in love with, without ever having to think...

Ignite Bonus Call with Nechama Stahl ignite interview taharas hamishpacha Feb 21, 2024

Yeah. I know I said my winter season is over, and it kind of is. Except we're still wrapping up Ignite's fifth cohort and there's some...

Ayeh Recap! ayeh magic recap workshop Feb 15, 2024

I know, I know. With everything you've been hearing about Ayeh in the last few weeks, you're wanting to hear how workshop went, aren't...

Have you Ever Noticed ayeh breath magic space workshop Feb 06, 2024

that space has an uncanny ability to fill itself?

It’s a law in the Universe. I think. 

I mean, have you ever cleaned your closets? And...

Hoodies ayeh hoodie hug workshop Jan 31, 2024


...are like wearing a hug. 

Don’t you think?

I spent the weekend cleaning my closet (because I’m one of those people who...

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