I Called in Sick
Jan 01, 2025
I called in sick last week for the first time in years.
And yes, I work for myself.
I called in sick to myself.
And I spent all night tossing and turning with nerves about how I was going to answer to myself in the morning.
Because I never call in sick,
Because I’m the hardest worker I know.
And also, because I’m the most demanding boss I’ve ever worked for.
I debated all night. Knowing there was no way to pull off my scheduled day of content recording.
But still, I bargained with my body.
Because once upon a time I could down Ibuprofen and gargle Throat Coat tea and abuse Chloraseptic to numb the pain, and trust that with enough eyeliner, everything was figureoutable.
It used to work.
But last week, my body wasn’t having it.
“You’re about to teach an entire course on listening to the wisdom of the body, my love. You can’t preach what you don’t practice,” she said sympathetically.
“But if I don’t record tomorrow, I’ll be running out of time. I don’t want to do it all at the last minute. What if I don’t get it done and the course is an epic fail?”
“You won’t fail,” she replied. “You’ll be teaching something you not only believe in, but something you had the courage to trust in and stand by.”
“But what if…,” I worried.
“The ‘what ifs’ will always be here. The ‘what is’ are what matter,” she gently responded during another restless and fevered moment.
“What is it that you really believe in,” she asked me again in the night. “What if this is your test? The opportunity to embody everything you believe in at a new level? Do you trust this work enough to surrender to it fully?”
“I’m not even sure I have a choice at this point,” I groaned.
“Oh, you always have a choice, my love," my beautiful body smiled. “You can make it now, or go round in circles a few more hours. But it always comes down to you.”
I chose to call in sick. And spend the day sleeping on the couch in my office.
(Because my bed was already made for the day and I didn't want to mess it up.)
She won.
We won.
We all did.
Ignite is the kind of course that demands integrity.
The essence of Ignite was not going to allow itself to be taught by someone who wasn’t living in alignment with the values the course aims to impart.
I used to think it was a virtue and point of pride that I didn’t need downtime, never took a break, laughed at the idea of maternity leave, and thought food and sleep were optional.
But if I'm going to be teaching about honoring our Beautiful Bodies, you better believe it's going to have to start with me honoring mine.
I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like had my body and I become friends sooner.
If I had learned to love my body a few years back.
If I had the resources then that I have now.
What would my marriage look like?
My parenting?
My health?
I sometimes wonder about the what ifs.
But then I remember what is.
And the "what is" in my life is an amazing evolving tribe of women who are only here because of all the questions we've been brave enough to wrestle with. A bunch of beautiful bodies rediscovering ourselves.
And with friends that have our back (literally), there’s no limit to what we can do together.
Chanukah discount is available until midnight EST.
I can’t imagine why anyone would want to sign up and pay full price after the Chanukah discount ends, but registration will be open another 7 days for those that really love the idea of paying $200 more for Ignite.
When registration closes Jan 8, it closes until next year Chanukah.
I can say with great certainty that I will receive at least ten emails from people asking if they can still join Ignite five minutes or six days after registration has closed. I’m not sure why this happens each time I close the registration for a course.
Once registration closes, it’s a twelve month wait for your next opportunity to join.
That’s another year of stumbling through awkward puberty conversations.
Another year of hoping if you’re doing it right.
A year of wondering if you’re the only one struggling.
A full twelve moons of unanswered questions.
I’m a fan of sitting with questions;
But I like answers more.
Why wonder when you can know? Join us today!
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Life happens in little bits. Learn to love the little bytes.