I'm Allergic
Jan 22, 2025
To avocado. But that’s not really the point.
I promised you an “Ask Me Anything” email and that’s what this is.
Loved the questions coming in, especially the ones brave enough to ask me why I have a reputation for being controversial.
Honestly, I’m not sure.
Maybe it’s my uncommon name?
Or that I’m unapologetically pursuing a life I love?
- Maybe it’s because I don’t care what other people think?
Or the fact that I talk about things most people won’t admit, let alone teach?
Either way, it doesn’t bother me much. (see item #3)
Also because, I don’t think being polarizing is necessarily a bad thing.
There are people that are “allergic” to me and my work, and I take it as a sign I’m doing something right. It means I express myself authentically, focus on the right audience, and build meaningful, aligned connections.
As the saying goes, "You can be the juiciest peach in the orchard, and there will still be someone who doesn’t like peaches." (or in my case, avocados.)
I prefer spending my energy on people who align with my vision, values, and work.
When the above elicit strong reactions, I take it as a sign that I’m standing for something I value rather than just falling for the fad of the moment.
Trying to please everyone dilutes my authenticity. Authenticity strengthens bonds with the right people, those who resonate deeply with who I am, what I offer and what I’m up to.
Which brings me to the questions you were curious about.
What it is that I be up to these days?
A few emails ago, in the PS, I snuck in a little “ask me anything” at the bottom. A few of you caught it, and your questions have been lighting up my inbox since!
Idy asked if I ever “do nothing.”
Sure, I do nothing. I’m human. I have my downtime. Right now I even have the flu.
But let’s get one thing straight: even my nothings are intentional.
Minna wanted to know how much coffee I drink.
Just one in the mornings. It’s my pleasure practice. (Ignite ladies, you know what I mean!) I’m loyal to my tea for the rest of the day.
What are you reading? (Got this question from so many of you who seem to be enamored by all the books always behind me on video.)
I read a bunch of books at the same time. But specifically enjoying:
- Radical Honesty - Brad Blanton
- Emotional Inheritance - Galit Atlas
A couple of breathwork texts (gearing up for training)
- The King of Attolia - Megan Whalen Turner (I read fantasy novels for balance)
Pious and Rebellious - Jewish Women in Medieval Europe - Avrohom Grossman
Upshernish and Tefillin - both by Rabbi DovBer Pinson (prepping for my boys’ big days!)
What podcasts or shiurim do you listen to? (Got this one from a few of you too! Shoutout to Bayla, Miri, Deena, and Chaim P.)
I don’t listen to podcasts or shiurim. I’m not an auditory learner.
But music? Always. I’m constantly curating playlists for breathwork sessions. (No, I don’t share them. Unless you’re a breathwork student of mine. #perks)
Roisy wanted to know how I developed my appreciation for Torah?
It took a lot of time. But I've always been taught that there are 70 faces to Torah... So I searched for the face that had laugh lines.
And too many of you want to know "the secret." To what, I'm not sure, but I do know the answer:
Presence. That’s the secret to most everything. I take it one breath at a time.
Rachy wanted to know how I got this confident.
I'm not really that confident. I think courage might be a better word. But either way, I got here by trusting I didn't need to be perfect.
Because even if I was the most perfect and ripe avocado in the bowl. Someone would still be allergic.
And I’m totally fine with that.
I’m happy the rest of you are here.
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