It Ends With Us
Jan 08, 2025
At least, I hope it does.
I hope our daughters become women in a world where they feel welcome.
I hope courses like Ignite disappear because they aren’t needed anymore.
I hope that when they say b'zchus nashim, they mean us.
I hope we get to see those times.
Ignite was created when all I had was hope.
Hope that there were other women like me, who were ready to do things differently.
Ignite has become so much more than I could ever have hoped and dreamed for.
In our first year, we were fifteen women.
In our second, we were fifteen elders, supporting the newcomers.
In our third year, two thirds of us were elders, holding space, and cheering on the newbies.
In this cohort, our sixth, 250 of us are wise women, ready to embrace, celebrate, support, and grow along with our 55 newest participants.
Ignite is a tribe. A lifetime membership we come back to year after year.
Until the year that tribe contains our daughters.
When Ignite will become obsolete.
Because we will have finally lit the world aflame.
It can end with us.
If we choose it.
Registration ends at midnight.
The rest of our lives begin.
See you there!
* Many of you have asked for a link to the directory of breathwork facilitators I've trained. Here you go
* Thank you for letting me into your inbox every day of the Ignite launch. Gonna go back to our once a week drop ins. Don't miss me too much.
* Well you won't have to miss me if you're in Ignite. Almost 100 hours of curated content waiting for you! If you think these emails are fun... wait until you've experienced a Q&A call!
* Or you can wait until next year. Because once registration closes, it doesn't reopen until Chanukah. #protip - you don't want to wait another year.
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