The Live in You
Dec 31, 2024If you read the subject line and immediately thought of that line from Lion King- we may have had the same childhood.
The line was in my brain when I woke at 3am this morning. And as I heard the nostalgic voice of James Earl Jones in my head, another, softer voice, was also whispering,
“But first you lived in them.”
And I grabbed my phone to get that down.
Because I’m not sure that enough people know about this.
Do you realize that you actually started your life inside your grandmother?
How is that possible?
Well, the very egg that eventually became you was originally inside your mother’s ovaries when she was but a fetus inside her own pregnant mother!
Another way of saying this is that every woman who is pregnant with a female fetus is carrying a part of her potential grandchildren in her body!
Toni Wechsler, Cycle Savvy
How insanely incredible?! Your life is so much bigger than you ever thought possible. The seed that would one day sprout to become you, was already walking the world decades before you were conceived! The legacy that will one day be your granddaughter might already be experiencing life through you.
So yes, the wisdom of our ancestors absolutely lives on in us, but only because we first started out as a part of them.
When we talk about women's wisdom and tapping into our בינה יתירה, we’re accessing so much more than just our femininity, health, and pleasure.
We’re talking about literal memories, gifts, lessons, and knowings that have been encoded into our DNA by the ones who have come before us.
Women are part of an unbroken lineage of women, with wisdom dating back to the beginning of time. But we need the support of a tribe to unlock the multitudes within us.
And that’s why we Ignite.
When I look at my daughter, I trust that within her, within the generations she already carries, is a spark of knowing that is mine. And a light of longing that is my mother’s. And a beauty of becoming that is my grandmother’s. And a ray of revelation that began before us all and will last until the circle of life finds completion in Moshiach’s time.
Until then, the women of Ignite have been preparing their drums together.
Because the deeper we tap into that inner rhythm, the stronger the call of the dance becomes.
The Circle of Life.
The Circle Dance of Miriam.
And because we were first a part of them,
The call now lives in us.
Take your part in the circle. We're waiting for you!
* Three more important questions that arrived to my inbox after the FAQs were sent out:
1. Is Ignite suitable for women stepping into their Wisdom years (read: menopause) or women who are not currently in a relationship?
Absolutely yes. We’re never too many years young to step into our light. Sara Imeinu did it at age 99.
A woman's femininity is her strength, whether she is in relationship or not.
Ignite is about reclaiming who we are as women at any age and stage. Maiden, Mother, Matriarch, or Magi - all welcome.
2. How do Vessel and Ignite differ? Should I do one before the other?
Vessel is a course on the psychology of our inner worlds.
Ignite is a course on the psychology of intimacy.
It's highly recommended to do Vessel first, but it's not a must.
3. And why do I not encourage this course for those in first year of marriage?
Because this course will change everything for you. And I don’t always know that things need changing.
Change is a good thing, but it also rocks your world. And shana reshona is already a big enough transition.
I encourage taking the stairs one at a time. And resting on the landing. (Before sliding down the banister of course.) You have the rest of your life to enjoy this content. But the first year/s of marriage are a time you’ll never have again. Enjoy every precious moment of the foundations you’re building together.
I'm not one of those people that think everyone needs therapy or that everyone needs to take this course. If you're called to it, you know. If you aren't, it's not for you and that's awesome.
But if you do know someone who needs this course, definitely forward this email! And gift them with the IGNITE25 code so they can take advantage of the last 36 hours to get that $200 discount! (Expiring Jan 1 at 11:59pm EST)
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