Who Do You Ignite? (Bonus Download!)
Dec 30, 2024
I'm in the middle of a project, Kindred.
It’s called the 52 conversations project.
It started last year just after October 7, when I was sitting with my friend Jessica having one of those important coffee dates.
You know the kind I mean?
The one where you think you’re just having coffee to catch up with a friend, but instead, it’s the kind of date where something important catches up inside of you, and when you’re done schmoozing, you know that it’s going to be the beginning of something else you never saw coming?
Introverts who have the ability to receive energy from the right people in the right settings
That’s me
I don’t get out much. By choice.
Too much peopling drains my battery.
But some people, some conversations, are exactly what lights me up.
Like my coffee date with Jessica.
Because our conversation brought up ideas that made us each think and took us down mind experiments that we wouldn’t normally engage in and left us both the better for it.
The gist of our talk was about how more people need to talk to each other about important ideas. That the words we allow to fester are the ones that infect us from the inside, cause chasms in relationships, and the global upheaval we’re seeing manifest.
Jessica is an anthropologist who has dedicated most of her adult life to studying human behavior, cultures, and societies. If anyone has a finger on the pulse of the conversations that need to be happening, it’s her.
But she got me thinking about the conversations that I needed to be having.
And I realized I needed to be having way more of them.
Because human interactions are how we learn, evolve and heal.
Through the exchange of ideas, the challenges to old ways of thinking, the nurturing of hopes.
So I made a commitment to myself. I was going to manifest 52 amazing conversations. One for every week of the year. I don't seek them out. I keep my eyes open and allow them to find me.
It’s been 14 months. I’m at 30 conversations.
(Because 52 in one year was way too ambitious for someone who doesn’t “people” much.)
But 30 conversations later and they’ve informed me in so many ways.
- Like the brief but amazing interaction I had with Guiseppe, who rear ended my car on the highway in the rain a few weeks ago. He told me I had beautiful eyes, and I told him not to cry because we all had bad days, and heaven knows I’ve hit someone’s bumper in the rain on a Monday morning too.
- Like Corinne, who like me, had cancer twice. Like me, is married twenty years, (to a Pastor though, not a Rabbi). We met on my twentieth anniversary, when I randomly walked into her shop, and she gave me the sweetest marital advice.
- Anthony, a 79 year old veteran I met in the Dollar Tree this summer who told me about joining the Navy because he wanted to see Italy, about his service in the Vietnam war, and how he got furlough just in time to be there and hold his mother's hand as she passed.
- The Sofer I met when we were both far from home, who shares my love for Alef Bais.
...And so many more.
Yes, I’ve been keeping track.
And I probably won’t stop at 52.
Because these conversations each brought so much unexpected light into my world.
And they also made me realize was that this is kind of what I do.
Help people talk about the things that they’ve been waiting a lifetime for permission to say.
Speak about topics that are meaningful and important, in a way that honors where they come from and where they hope to go.
And as I’m redoing the Ignite content (because I’ve grown so much since the old recordings and want to give you my very best self), I’m realizing my 52 conversations have been right here all along.
Happening with the women of Ignite.
We’re having all of those conversations women have been needing to have with each other.
The ones that grow us.
Evolve us.
Make us think.
Help us feel.
Encourage us to become.
Not all of us are ambiverts. We don’t all need the perfect kinds of people or conversations to Ignite us.
But we each have the ability to bring light to someone’s world.
(Just click here and you'll get an automatic download.)
Sit down and write it out.
Or go out and bring warmth to someone you need to have a conversation with.
We're so much more powerful than we know.
Let’s do this together,
* Yes, it's called a playsheet. And a playbook. We've already done enough work on ourselves. Why can't evolution feel like love and growth feel like play? It can. I said so.
* Feel free to forward this email and share this downloadable with those you love. (Also those you don't love. I don't discriminate.) And if they love the playsheet- send them to the site for a free meditation. If they don't love the playsheet, you should definitely send them for the meditation. We all need different things and that's why Ignite has a range of experiences to offer.
* And depending on how much you love them, you'll want to remind them that the IGNITE25 code is available for just two more days! There will be other discount codes... but not like this one!
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