Eight Questions
Dec 29, 2024
that everyone seems to have about Ignite.
(Actually, I polled my Ignite participants on our WhatsApp group to hear what questions they had before joining and the questions they hear from others they’re inviting in)
And yes, eight for Chanukah. Because I’m cutesy that way.
1. How is Ignite different from other courses? What will I actually learn?
Ignite is an interactive, integrative experience that includes meditation, journaling, and embodied pleasure practices. A woman’s wisdom lives within, and while we all seem to have access to information, (just a Google search away), how many of us feel truly connected to the embodied wisdom of the feminine?
Ignite puts women’s wisdom back into the hands, hearts, and wombs of women at all ages and stages of life.
What will you actually learn? A whole new way of being in this world.
The best way I know how to describe it - It’s like waking up one day to find that you’re more “downloaded” into your body. Realizing that you’re here. Truly. Present, and open to life at its fullest.
And because it’s not an information based course, we never finish learning. The content is always evolving along with the cohorts. 80% of the good stuff is coming from the Q&A - those are three hours each week generated by the questions you don’t get to ask anyone or anywhere else!
2. Can Ignite help me with my specific situation?
Ignite doesn’t speak to one specific pain point or issue. Ignite is focused on our growth and evolution as the women and mothers of Klall Yisrael, not necessarily on specific places of stagnation.
But also absolutely yes. Because you have the wisdom to navigate your situation. You just may not know it yet.
Ignite will put you back in touch with all of that and more.
Nothing resolves overnight, but Ignite brings women to the inner knowing and strength that is our greatest resource.
3. Will anything change for me?
Everything will change for you. Starting with the way you see yourself.
Remember when you first found out about intimacy? And then you looked at the whole world differently? You looked at the people (adults) you thought you knew and realized that you knew nothing? Existence was forever changed once you knew.
Ignite is a deeper knowing of yourself, your life force, and everything that comes with it.
If you had a whole new lease on life, what would you do with it?
You’re going to see shifts in the way you relate to Taharas Hamishpacha, womens’ health, the feminine, the masculine, your kids, and so much more.
4. Is there anyone who shouldn't take Ignite?
Absolutely. Ignite is not a substitute for therapy and may not be a great fit for those that are recovering from trauma or for those who have experienced any form of abuse.
I also don’t recommend taking Ignite in Shana Reshona, the first year of marriage. That’s a time to focus on the couple bubble and make that honeymoon phase last as long as you possibly can. Ignite will be here when you’re ready.
5. Is this a kosher course? Who is your haskama?
Ignite is a Torah based course designed to help women reconnect to their essence. I studied to become a kallah teacher specifically so that I could address the hashkafic issues that tend to arise with these subjects.
I work with various Rabbanim who each refer people to this course. However, it is every participant’s responsibility to have their own rabbinical authority to consult with when needed.
Because Ignite is a participant driven course, with unfiltered submissions coming from women of many backgrounds, it is impossible to ask any Rav to offer a haskama on content that organically forms as we develop this course together.
I don't offer the names of my rabbis because they will inevitably give you rave regards about me…. Because they are my rabbis. If a haskama is important to you, ask your rabbi what he thinks of this course. If he would like to know more, he is more than welcome to reach out and have a conversation with me.
6. How can I join with no internet access?
Unfortunately, you can’t. Over the years I have been inundated with well meaning suggestions about putting my courses onto call-in phone lines.
Ironically, my parents own a telecommunications company and can do this for me in their sleep (and probably for free).
However, I have deliberately chosen to offer Ignite in this format, because I believe that a large chunk of how this information is delivered is visually. I talk with my whole body. I deliver content through my facial expressions. You’re robbing yourself of at least 60% of what I’m teaching if you can’t see my eyerolls and the wild gesturing of my hands .
Also, I spent all of fifth grade mastering how to raise each eyebrow independently, wiggle my ears, make a flower with my tongue, twist and turn it upside down in both directions and also lick my nose. You really don’t want to miss out.
7. Can Ignite cause Shalom Bayis problems? And what if my husband isn’t on board?
I don’t believe courses cause shalom bayis problems. I believe people do.
I insist that my students remain kind, respectful, and responsible at any and every stage of their growth.
Anyone who uses this course content to destroy relationships is misinterpreting what I have taught and misconstruing everything I believe in.
As far as your husband being on board… on board with what? Becoming a woman who embodies Torah values, is committed to learning more, and becoming the best version of herself? Okay. *shrug*
8. Is it worth the price point?
It’s worth so much more.
Ignite gives you lifetime access. That means you come back to participate in each new cohort every year, free of charge.
New content, new questions, new best friends you’ve waited your whole life to meet. All there - here, inside Ignite.
And think of it this way - Ignite is roughly the cost of six therapy sessions.
Most of us have spent way more on dead ends, false hopes, and broken promises.
This is money you’re spending on yourself, your children, your marriage, and it’s something you come back to forever.
Oh, and a ninth question (for the shammas):
9. Does anyone teach this course for men?
A course on embodied womanhood? Not likely.
But this work and the changes we'd love to see in the world, really do start with the women. The women of Egypt knew it, took the initiative, and here we are.
But they didn't do it alone. They couldn't. We can't either. We need each other.
And we have an amazing tribe waiting to welcome you in.
* You scrolled all the way down for the PS!
I’m going to do an Ask Me Anything email in the next few weeks.
Just hit reply to this email and shoot me that question you’ve been dying to know more about! I’ll be sending out an email in the next few weeks with answers to the best ones!
* IGNITE25! Don't forget to use your Chanukah gift code for $200 off when you sign up before Wednesday night!
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