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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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You Want to Know how it Went

breathwork facilitation quintessence training May 30, 2024

Don’t you?

I honestly have no words. 

I have a much deeper appreciation for breath however. 

I just spent a week with a cohort of 20 soon to be QuintEssence facilitators who have exceeded my wildest dreams about what this training was going to be. 

When it comes to breathwork, I’m a big believer in the idea that the breath breathes us, not the other way around. 

We surrender to breath as a higher power, we don’t try to control it or the outcomes of our breath sessions. 

And as a teacher, I have learned many times over. It’s my students that teach me than I could ever have dreamed of teaching them.

As much content as I put together, it was only upon stepping into the container last week that the true form of our training took shape. 

We breathed,

We danced,

We facilitated,

We cried,

We howled at the moon, (it was full after all)

We got sunburned,

We talked to trees,

We breathed underwater,

We contemplated the Daf Yomi, 

We ate Pesach Sheini matzah,

We tried hard not to kill each other,

We realized how deeply we value one another,

We laughed a lot,

We traded chassidic teachings,

We learned an insane amount of content,

We discovered that place where breath becomes air,

We exchanged amazing music,

We learned how to really hug and whisper weird things into unsuspecting ears,

We wondered how we ever ended up here,

We stretched time (We now understand what yesteryears are, They’re days that feel as long as a year)

We already feel like a year together isn’t going to be enough of this magic. 

And the good news is that the magic never really ends. It just expands - to include anyone ready to live life just a little louder than they were living it before. 

(No howling at the moon necessary. Unless that’s your thing?)

To protect the sanctity of the space, I can’t drop pictures here even though I really wish I could. 

I wish I could give you all a taste of what’s possible when amazing people come together with a pure intention to bring more breath and light into the world. 

The good news is, they’re really bringing it to your world. 

We’re birthing facilitators from all over the tristate area and even London! 

Slowly, one breath at a time, we’re breathing a better world into being. 

And there’s more coming soon. 

Courses, workshops, and some more trainings on tap for this year. 

I’m so excited. 

Keep breathing, and keep an eye on your inbox. 




*We also made up new words last week. 

Whelm means flow. 

Our definition of whelmingly means, "in flow"

You're Whelmcome. 

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Life happens in little bits. Learn to love the little bytes.