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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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You Feeling It?

constellation elul vessel workshop Aug 28, 2024

You know what I mean.

The close of summer, start of school, Elul vibes?

Like my teens always say, IYKYK. 

(If you know, you know)

And if you don’t, don’t bother reading the rest of this email. It’s not for you. 

Because the rest of this email is about an event I’ll be running along with Rav Daniel Kohn of Bat Ayin in two weeks from today. 

The event is open for men and women. This will be the third year Rav Daniel will be running an Elul event in the States, and this is the third year that my experience of the Yamim Noraim has been changed beyond comprehension. 

I was suspended in my first week of Junior year for telling a teacher I didn’t love Hashem. 

(The conversation actually went more like:

Her: “Do you love Hashem?”

Me; “No.”

Her: “What?!”

Me: “I’m a child. I know nothing. If I told you I loved Hashem, you’d probably prove to me why that’s not possible. I’m saving you the time by getting to the point.”

Her: “Do you do mitzvos?”

Me: “Of course.”

Her: “But why do you do them if you don’t love Hashem?”

Me: “Same reason I do your homework.”)

For most of my life that’s what Elul felt like. A pervasive sense of “I’m here again but I don’t know why and I dread it, and no one seems to be able to explain it to me.”

And explain it with love? 

And joy?

And in a meaningful way that I could actually feel alive with?

Nah. Not a thing. 

But it actually is. 

Last year Rav Daniel and I co-ran a one day event where he taught, guided us in profound musical meditations, elevated us beyond all imagination, and left us with peace and understanding we never dreamed we could achieve in just a few hours. 

I had the honor of running the participants through a constellation. A movement bringing the elements of Elul into sharp relief, experientially allowing the beauty and ritual to come to life in the room. 

(If that sounds vague…. I don’t care. Constellations are beyond words and I’m not even going to bother trying to capture them in an email….)

Like my teens say…. HTBTATT

(have to be there at the time.)

But if I try and recap the highlight reels of our constellation last year:

  • The Rabbi (who represented Blessing) standing on a chair sending beams of light from his hands into the room
  • The plaster duck that kept getting passed around. (The duck played Makom/G-d)
  • The guy representing Teshuva who couldn’t move from the center of the circle, and cried throughout. 
  • Moshiach standing up wanting to give everyone hope
  • Hashem telling Moshiach to “sit down, it’s not your time”
  • The people holding Shofar and Selicha gazing into each others’ eyes and crying at the closing
  • Chessed asking Selicha what took so long for him to arrive

Sounds wild, doesn’t it?

You want more understanding or explanation, don’t you?

Like my teens say…..NGH

(not gonna happen)

If you’re a seeker who is ready for an elevated Elul, this is an event you’ll definitely want in on.  Space is limited and always sells out.

The Beloved is waiting in the Field, 



Click on the flyer below to register:

* Usually this time of year is when I start advertising my upcoming course on self development, called Vessel of Truth .

Vessel is an eight week Zoom course that runs each year between Sukkos and Chanukah.

I’m pushing off my marketing emails because this Elul event deserves to stand in its own spotlight and I don't want to promote two things at once. 

Vessel registration opening September 18, so mark your calendars for a significant early registration discount! 

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