Vessel Resources 6th Cohort
Nov 10, 2022
Final Q&A Call!
Song - Ani Ma’amin - TAI
Song - Glow in the Dark - Ekaterina Shelehova
Song - Save You a Seat - Alex Warren (I didn’t play this song, but if you know, you know!)
Mirror Work - Louise Hay
Tuning the Human Biofield - Eileen McKusic
Heal Your Body - Louise Hay (free online list)
It Didn’t Start With You - Mark Wolynn
The Kiruv Files - Dovid Kaplan
Imago Therapy (Slatkins)
Upsherinish - R’ DovBer Pinson
Song - Ready to be Loved - St. Lundi
Stolen Focus - Johan Hari
Planting and Building - Building a Jewish Home - Shelomoh Volbeh
Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel
Module 8
Song - One Day - Koolulam (watch the video - its awesome!)
Song - Candlelight - Maccabeats
Song - Kchi Lach - Fally and Dassa Klein
Song - A Thousand Years - Christina Perry
Song - Butterfly - Abie Rottenberg and Shulem Lemmer
The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls
Unlocked Fertility course - Asya Rochel Mishory
Reclaim Womanhood course - Pessie Schwartz
The Fifth Vital Sign - Lisa Hendrickson Jack
E- Squared - Pam Grout
The Orchard - Yochi Brandeis
Module 7
Song - Tniyehle - Shulem Lemmer Lyrics Translation
Song - Neshomele - Abie Rottenberg
Spiritual Midwifery - Ina May Gaskin
Ten Moons - Jane Hardwicke Collins
The Halachos of Pregnancy and Childbirth - Rabbi Webster
Labor of Love - Rachel Broncher
The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman
Poppy and the Overactive Amygdala - Holly Rae Provan
Eastern Body, Western Mind - Anodea Judith
Dance of the Omer - Benji Elson
What’s in a Name - Matityahu Glazerson
Shall we have Another - Mendel Dubov
Module 6
Song- When You Call - Chaim Ghoori
I Don't Have to Make Everything All Better - Lundberg and Lundberg
Hu Chocolate (a.k.a. The way to my heart)
The Phantom Tollbooth - Norton Juster
Life After Life - Rabbi DovBer Pinson
Altered State of Art Broadcast List
Journey of Souls - Nichael Newton
Kosher Astrology - Yitzchok A. Pinkesz (May be cheaper on his site)
Module 5
Song - Hold on To Your Love - HEAVN
Not in G-d’s Name - Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Soulbriety - Dr Elisa Hallerman
Belly Button Song - Cocomelon
Rabbi David Aaron on Heaven and Hell
After the Affair - Janis A. Spring
How Can I Forgive You? - Janis A. Spring
Birth and Relationships - Sondra Ray and Bob Mandel
This is Your Brain on Birth Control - Sarah Hill
Module 4
Song - Chasing Shadows - Alex Warren
Song - Sound of Silence - Pentatonix
The Smell of Rain on Dust - Martin Prechtel
Nonviolent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg
Audacity to be You - Brad Reedy
When a Spouse Loses Faith (podcast) Aliza and Ephraim Bulow
Heal Your Body - Louise Hay
Inside Out (movie)
Elevation Project - Rabbi Doniel Katz
Narrow Halachic Bridge- Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth
Module 3 Q&A
Song - Keli - Aryeh Kunstler and Yosef Karduner
The Gender Binary and Beyond (video) - Rabbi Nir Menussi
The Boy, the Mole, The Fox and the Horse - Charlie Mackesy
Man’s Search for Meaning - Victor Frankl
The Choice - Dr Edith Eger
Heal Your Family - Magui Block
Podcast I gave on Psychedelics with Mikah Fashion
Radical Forgiveness - Colin Tipping
Many Lives Many Masters - Brian Weiss
It’s Not Your Money - Tosha Silver
In G-d We Test - The Jewish Secret to Wealth (video) - Berel Solomon
Language of Emotions - Karla McLaren
Module 2 Q&A
Song - Bring Them Home - Tamir
The Dreaming Way - Toko Pa Turner
This is Why You Dream - Rahul Jandial MD PhD
E Squared - Pam Grout
Module 1 Q&A
Song - Whole With You - Eli Schwebel
The Kiruv Files - Dovid Kaplan
Mirror Work - Louise Hay
Letters of Light - Rabbi Aaron Raskin (Book on Alef Bais)
The Book of Letters - Rabbi Lawrence Kushner
The Beginning of Desire - Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg (Book on the Parsha that I learned last year)
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