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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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There's a Wocket in my Pocket!

belonging human inner critic love perfectionism safety vessel Oct 15, 2024

Remember that Dr. Seuss book we all learned to read from? 

(No, Just me? Eh. Explains a lot.)

The Wocket in my pocket,

Pain in my brain,

Relentless inner critic,

Endless inner voice,

No idea what i’m talking about, right?


This email is definitely not for you. 

But if you're still reading, yeah, we're not the only ones

I’ve spent the last two days redoing some Vessel content. (Yes, for those of you rejoining, there’s some tweaks coming your way!)

And I should be excited at how the new recordings are coming out, 

But instead I spent last night drowning myself in a cesspit of insecurity and self judgment. 

Well it makes perfect sense. 

Because the module I tried to redo the other day was the module on Self Love.

The one I still struggle with the most. 

What, you thought I’m past all that?

That I’m an expert at living a life free from the complications of being human?

Hehehe. No. 

I have a friend who likes to call those kinds of teachers, the ones who have it all figured out; the “Sage on the Stage.”

I’m more of a Wocket in my Pocket kind of girl. 

And my lil' Wocket is alive and well and kicking hard. 

I used to think that the work was about eliminating that inner critic. 

To make it stop talking or disappear. 

And then I realized that was never going to work. 

Because that inner voice is a part of me. 

And when I was a kid and people told me to stop talking, it hurt. 

A lot. 

(if you’re new here, you might want to go back and read the post I shared on quarters.)

And I had this moment a while back where I realized, if I tell my inner critic to stop talking- then I become the inner critic of my inner critic. 

Role reversal much?

When I said in my last email that I used to feel like my own worst enemy- I really was, (often still am). 

I still struggle. 

Because real people do. 

And despite every attempt at perfectionism, 

I’m a real person. Human as they come. 

And it’s from this human place that I teach Vessel. 

From a place of working to honor that inner voice. Because it’s that voice that kept me safe for so long. In the best way she knew how. 

And maybe now it's her turn. 

Maybe the voice of that lil' Wocket has been waiting all this time for me to finally take care of her. 

For me to stop what I’m doing and give her permission to talk.

And talk.

And keep talking until she finally gets to tell me what’s really going on. 

How she really feels.

What she really needs. 

Because when we stop and listen, 

Don't we all sound a little bit the same?

Don’t we all need the same things?

Love, Safety, Belonging?

So I spent the other night with the Wocket. 

She has a permanent and prized place in my pocket. 

Because we need each other. 

And we’re learning to be friends. 

And I like to keep my friends close. 

So I can give them a lot of love. 

Best Regards and Chag Sameach to your Wocket, 



Vessel starts really soon! 

You want to be part of this amazing cohort. Trust me. And if you didn't get a chance to watch the intro call, you can catch it here.

Gasp. I didn't link a song in this one! I know you've been waiting. Here ya go!

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