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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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There Must be More

ayeh event training workshops Jul 01, 2024

than this provincial life. 

Am I the only one that grew up with Belle's song* in my head, striking a chord so deep I didn't realize at the time it was more than just a Disney fantasy?

Ever since I can remember, I always had the feeling that life had to be about more. 

That thousands of years of creation couldn't just be about the laundry, and finding the car keys, and the same repetitive conversations with the neighbors around what's for dinner.

There was a time where I actively sought to distance myself from the ordinary. Believing that life was meant to be extraordinary all the time. 

I do lead an extraordinary life. But I've also dealt with burnout and loneliness, and a mystifying sense of, wait, but that isn't it either. 

Around a year ago, I heard myself spontaneously tell a friend at the gym,

"Life doesn't get in the way. Life is the way." 

And I had to stop for a moment and write that gem down. 

Because looking back, I believe that's what I had been searching for my whole life. 

It's not the difference between ordinary and extraordinary. 

Rather the knowing that there are no ordinary moments. Ever. 

Every moment is an unfolding of Creation that I am blessed to be part of and witness to. And that's the More I've always known was there. 

It's not a call to adventure but more like the call of adventure.

(And also, I really do like folding laundry. And pairing socks. Soft, nicely smelling things, folded and color coded like a shelf at Hollister make me happy.)

Creation is unfolding through us, for us, with us. And if we open our eyes and hearts, we realize more has always ever been only a breath or heartbeat away. 

The Ayeh experience is for anyone who hears the call. 

Who trusts in the more waiting in our child's next smile, the filling up on gas, the walk down the grocery aisle, the potato kugel we prepare for Shabbos each week. 

The two Ayeh events happening this July are both just a taste (a jam packed taste!) of what's possible for those ready to experience life at a whole new level. 

The two events are both profoundly impactful but different and many of you want to know which one is for you. 

I can't be the one to tell you, but here are some details that might make your decision simpler:

July 17, Pomona, NY

Is an event open to the newbies. Whether you've worked with me before or not, you're all welcome. Other than age and some contraindications*, this is a great place for anyone who has wanted to try the Ayeh offering but didn't know where to begin. 

July 30, Toms River, NJ

This workshop is not for the breathwork newbies. Attendees must have done breathwork in person with me at least twice before. 

This event may not be suited for women who are pregnant or have high blood pressure as we will be breathing out in the heat, sun, and under the water for a good amount of time. Please reach out to discuss. 

Also, immersion breathwork only happens in the summertime. If you've been waiting a long time to attend, this is probably the best (and only) time. 


Some of you have already emailed to ask when my next three day workshop will be taking place. 

There was a time when I had five workshops penciled on the calendar and could rattle them all off to you. 

I'm doing things differently this year as my trainings take priority. I wish I could tell you when the next three day event will take place. I know it will happen soon enough, but won't have anything on the calendar for a while. 

Whatever you do this summer, wherever you are, whoever you're with,

choose a little more for yourself.



Belle's song - click to listen!

 ** Contraindications:

  • Workshops are geared for women aged 25+ (developmentally, our prefrontal cortex isn't truly finished developing until our mid-twenties. The work we are doing at the events are best suited for those who have moved past this stage. We won't turn you away if you're not 25 (we probably won't even know), but we want you to know, so that you can make the decision right for you. 
  • Those diagnosed with a mental health condition or are currently under the care of a mental health provider may not be the right fit. These experiences are not therapy, cannot replace therapy, and are immersive, intensive days. Please consult with your provider if this is the right container for you and talk to them about the follow up care you will require, as we don't offer any for these events. 

*** We're currently in the middle of the QuintEssence Breathwork Facilitator training. Next cohort is scheduled to begin May of 2025. 

Hypnotherapy training is scheduled to begin December 2024

Trainings are open to both men and women.


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