QuintEssence Training
May 02, 2024
"A year long certification course was my norm when I embarked on my journey as a budding professional. Imagine my surprise upon encountering 'colleagues' who boasted of weekend certifications, some obtained without any training verification, or competency exam..." - Robert Otto, founder of IACT, the International Association of Counselors and Therapists
As a licensed trainer for IACT, these words land strongly.
When I began my schooling in hypnotherapy, and then later in breathwork and intimacy counseling, there were no shortcuts or easy ways out.
I searched and traveled long distances to learn at the right schools. I applied to study under incredible teachers who valued quality training standards, before committing myself to years worth of work in the pursuit of achieving certification.
High standards and commitment are something I believe in. Not just for myself, but rather for the clients I work with.
I remember what it felt like to struggle in a point of pain, and vulnerably begin to see a practitioner... who was terrible.
Back then, working with facilitators who made me feel worse about myself and my struggles, made me think something was wrong with me.
Because after all, I was the one "broken" and they were the clinicians.
It took years to repair the internal toll these encounters took on me.
It would be nice if clients starting therapy were more educated, but it would be even nicer if facilitators were held to the kinds of standards that would ensure stories like my own weren't repeated.
Which brings me to the upcoming QuintEssence Breathwork Training.
When I first began studying breathwork, it was when I was in school for intimacy counseling and breathwork mastery comprised 30% of my passing grade. We studied breathwork in its application for processing severe trauma stored in the body and its ultimate effect on our intimate lives.
It was taught as a sacred art that took months of layered training and immersion.
And after that training was done, when I realized I had barely begun scratching at the surface, I committed to more years of schooling focused on solely on breath.
I realized that breath heals so much more than just our sexuality. As a potent form of life force, it affects every other one of our life force energies.
I have this theory I've been working on for a long time- that there are essentially five life forces, Food, Sexuality, Money, God/Spirit, and Breath.
How you relate to one, is how you relate to all.
Which is why I call my training QuintEssence - the five forces.
My working theory is - heal your breath, heal your life.
Breath is powerful medicine, deeply embedded in the rituals and practices of every culture around the world. And Torah and Chassidus contains a wealth of breath knowledge and practice we can all be tapping into more.
With breathwork as a buzzword becoming more popular than ever, you can imagine my mix of joy and dismay as practitioners pop up overnight, some with no more than a few days of training, or after having taken a Zoom course or two.
On the one hand, it's amazing that so many people are talking about this and wanting to tap into the sacred and transformative power of breath.
On the other hand, it's disheartening to see the drop in training standards and client centered care.
Which is why I created QuintEssence.
A year long professional training for facilitators who are deeply committed to providing the safest and most transformative client experience possible.
There are no shortcuts with QuintEssence.
Students will attend three in-person training modules that will cover working with the breath, body, mind, and so much more.
There is active engagement for the full year of training, with monthly Zoom mastermind calls, and supervisory support during client practicums and in achieving certification requirements.
This training is about more than just how to "breathe" a client. Because breath is so much more than just oxygen moving through our systems.
Breath is an exhale of the Divine, fueling every fiber of our being.
It's a big commitment for me to take on a new cohort. It's been over two years since I did my last one.
I'm excited and ready though, because I know that this work is needed in our world.
This training is open to men and women who are dedicated to professionalism and high standards of client safety and care.
If this sounds like you, apply here.
Our new cohort is forming fast, and we'd love to see you there.
Interviews have already started and class begins Sunday, May 19 in Toms River, NJ.
Space is limited to 22 participants.
Feel free to reach out with any questions,
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Life happens in little bits. Learn to love the little bytes.