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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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Making My Peace

heartspace inner child training vessel Sep 18, 2024

My friend Daniella sent me this poem yesterday teasing, "This is the start of a Vessel 'nonadvertising' email."

 (A quick Google search told me it was written by Emory Hall who also recites this to music along with some of her other stunning works.)

Daniella's text couldn't have come at a better time. 

Because the truth is, I have been putting off the marketing for Vessel and I couldn't figure out why.

Vessel is the course I created as the gift to a floundering younger version of me who was struggling with feelings too big to name with a rotation of therapists who weren't getting it and a heart trying so hard not to break with every disappointing effort to start over.

Vessel are the tools I wished a younger Fally was given when she felt a lot more alone in this world than anyone should ever have to feel. When she needed to be reminded that she was so much more than her story and also more than her potential and that who she was in the moment was always going to be enough. 

And if Vessel sounds like something special, it really is. It's already changed the lives of so many participants, some of who will be coming back for the sixth time this year!*

So why the resistance about reopening it again?

Emory's poem was the aha and also the antidote.

Revisiting Vessel after the growth of so many years felt like opening up a Pandora's box. Coming face to face again with an old version of me that I don't feel connected to anymore.

Or don’t want to be reminded of anymore. 

The story I was telling myself all summer was that I had “outgrown” this course. That immersing myself in teaching a cohort of future facilitators was taking up my time, attention and heartspace and that Vessel no longer felt relevant for me. 

I like to tell myself stories. 

Fantasies mostly. 

Because my heart kept bringing me back to that thing I didn’t want to acknowledge. 

There there’s still so much of me I will never outgrow. I might try to outrun, but will never outgrow the younger version of me who still needs someone to stand at her side. 

To make her laugh.

To help her cry. 

To pass her a hoodie she can bury her face in. 

And to keep rediscovering one another anew. 

Because that’s what Vessel is. And it’s why we keep coming back each year. 

Vessel are the tools we need to develop an ongoing relationship with ourselves. 

Friendship takes work. 

Marriages take even more work. 

A connection with G-d, never ending work. 

And a relationship with ourselves, the key to it all. 

Relationships aren’t a checklist. But we seem to treat them that way.

Inner child work? Check.

Trauma work? Check.

All the psychedelics? Check.

Cold plunge? Check.

Healing journey? Check mate.

Not how it works though. How many checks do we cross off a list before we actually check in with ourselves? With our real selves?

The myriad versions of the people we used to be, already are, and will one day become, who have so much wisdom to share. 

Apparently, in my case, not enough. 

And that’s why I’m back. For our sixth cohort of Vessel

To make peace with all of the Women I once was. 

In the presence of the people* we all choose to become together. 

All the versions of me,


*Did you notice the epic early registration discount? I've never done more than a $50 discount on this course. Don't ask me why this year is different. It just is. I'm getting mellower with age? (And prettier.)

And yes, there are payment plan options. Just click the link to register and you'll see it. 

*Not only are they coming back, but they're coming back for free!

This is an eight week course jam packed with so much content. Even if it were possible to complete it all within two months (it’s not, don’t even bother trying), we are different people each year. We learn new things about ourselves each time we revisit these places.

And so my promise to you is, once you’re in, you’re in forever. You pay once, but come back free of charge each consecutive year. 

*Vessel is a course that I’ve only run for women before. 

However, because Vessel is a prerequisite for anyone wanting to apply for my Hypnotherapy or Breathwork trainings, for the first time, I’ll be allowing men to join the cohort. The content is relevant for all choosing to join, however female pronouns are used in meditations and male participants will not be permitted to join the WhatsApp group. 

 *Hypnotherapy training is scheduled to begin in December. It will be an intimate cohort, happening in Brooklyn. I won't be advertising it a lot, so if you're interested, keep in mind that there will be a very short window to apply.

Interested applicants will have to have taken Vessel (or be in the middle of taking it this year), in order to be eligible to apply. 


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