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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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Ignite Bonus Call with Pessy Schwartz

bonus ignite interview podcast Mar 06, 2024

I'm a giver. I wish I could do what I love, giving what I love to people I love and will eventually fall in love with, without ever having to think about money, or things "making sense."

The administrative side of my work is what bogs me down the most. Sitting with spreadsheets, balancing numbers... taxes. Blegh. 

There's a part of me that enjoys checking boxes and seeing numbers add up, but for real, the amount of resistance I have to anything numbers related is a big deal. 

Which is why I never would have thought I'd one day be such a fan of the Fertility Awareness Method, tracking my cycles, taking daily temperature checks, charting them on graphs. and deriving such joy from how literate I have become of those charts. 

Who am I even?

So here we go with the free content of this week - I had the privilege to interview Pessy Schwartz of Reclaim Womanhood who talks everything Cycle related and more. 

I bet you're thinking that you already know everything there is to know about your cycles, womanhood, and fertility. 

Yeahhhh... your world is about to be exploded open.

Just click below to watch! (And watch for the part where I talk about how we *really* know each other!)

We have some more Ignite bonus calls happening soon, so keep your eye on your inbox!

Also, I released an awesome interview call with Miri Grunhaus of Heal with Gold. You're all welcome to join! (It'll be recorded for those that can't be there live, fear not.)

To listen click the photo below.

Hope you're making the best of your day,


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Life happens in little bits. Learn to love the little bytes.