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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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I Was too Busy Dancing

ayeh breathwork parenting Jul 22, 2024

I pushed off writing this email Kindred,

For a million good reasons. 

Except the real one. 

I hate marketing. 

I hate selling. 

Any good salesperson will tell you- you have to market towards your clients’ pain point. 

But I don’t want to make up points of pain just to get people interested in what I’m selling. 

Because that isn’t what I "sell" anyway. 

It's not that I'm immune to pain. And it’s not like I haven’t had my share. 

In fact, this morning I had an unexpected cry over a box of cards and letters I thought I was ready to throw away.* 

I even tried writing a much longer email about said box and then scratched it. 

 Because I’m so tired of selling to pain points. 

And I’m really tired of the “healing journey” that everyone seems to be on. 

Instead, I walked away from writing this email and spent a while dancing with my kid. 

Because he’s in that unabashed stage of toddlerhood where dancing brings him the absolute most joy (along with coloring on the walls, climbing on the counters, and singing this song really loudly,) and that’s honestly where I prefer to spend my time and energy these days. 

On the points of light. 

I’ve had my share of dark nights.

I've found that people tend to bond over difficult times because of how alone we've all felt going through them.

But no one talks about how lonely it can sometimes feel when we’re happy. 

Like do we really have permission to actually be okay?

To enjoy life?

To love our kids?

To do the work we love?

To celebrate amongst friends?

So we shy away from our happiness.

And we shy away from sharing our joy and our gifts with the world. 

And that’s why I trashed the first email I tried writing today. 

Because I don’t want you to think you have to be in pain to feel like you belong at one of my events. 

You might be, but you don’t have to be. 

Because what you’ll find at events like my upcoming Immersion Breathwork, is that you’re likely to be surrounded by fun loving, talented, genuinely happy women, who know what it means to hold a pain point, and also choose joy

The event I have coming up is a powerful experience of breathing at the choice point between two worlds. Regressing back to the pre-birth state, having the ability to rewire the way we choose to experience life. 

Women are exceptional at navigating the inbetweens. 

We’re the ones who stand between Heaven and Earth, bringing spirit into human form. 

We’re the ones who find ourselves awake as yesterday turns into tomorrow after a night with a crying child. 

We’re the ones holding the space between two fighting siblings

And the ones living in the different worlds we tend to inhabit as mothers, wives, women, and people. 

What we aren’t sometimes great at is choosing. 

Choosing to prioritize our self care. 

Our needs. 

Our joy. 

Immersion Breathwork is an experience for the woman who excels at living in betweens, but is ready to choose more than just life. She’s ready for joy. 

I want to reread and proofread this email. But I also am just going to send it out without thinking too much. 

Because there’s a little bit of sunlight left to the day. And me and the Flouf* are not done dancing. 

There are still spots to join me and some other incredible women at our Immersion Breathwork next week in Toms River

Choose joy with me!




*That box is full of cards and letters I received as a cancer patient. Haven’t looked at any of it in 20 years. I think I might not be ready to look through that box for some time still. But that’s okay.

That box might have to wait for another day, but here are some pix that are from that time:

**Flouf is short for fluffernutter. It's a kind of cookie. With marshmallows. And chocolate chips. 

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