I Elect
Nov 05, 2024
You thought I was going to send out an election day email, didn't you?
Go read someone else’s political commentary for today. I don’t have any.
I’ve been way too busy deep diving with our new cohort of Vessel.
75 new faces have voted to join our sixth cohort alongside the almost 200 who have been with us before.
75 new introductions on our Vessel WhatsApp group.
75 new pioneers who made the choice to face their inner worlds.
75 new people committed to bringing more love and awareness into their everyday.
75 new participants who are finally learning to nominate themselves. With love.
And that’s 75 new people electing to live life at a whole new level.
My business coach challenged me to get 100 new faces onto this cohort.
I never back down from a challenge.
Except I did, from this one.
Because I don’t think Vessel, or this kind of work should ever be considered a challenge to rise to. This work isn’t a race.
That was a mistake I made for too many years.
I set impossible standards. Insane goals. And pushed hard to check every box and achieve them all.
And I did. But never felt happier.
Because real growth doesn’t have to be a challenge.
It works better when it feels like an invitation.
One made with gentleness and love.
And I know how many of you emailed to say that Vessel has been pulling you, but that you’re still afraid. Or somehow don’t feel ready. Or worry that it won’t be that thing you’re looking for.
I get that resistance so much.
It comes from years of unkindness. Some of which we put onto ourselves.
And our inability to trust that this time might be different.
And so it might not be this cohort for you.
But this cohort is already so incredible. And I’m grateful beyond my wildest dreams.
And here’s my invitation to those of you wanting, wishing, resisting, but hoping… a lot can change in a year. Our minds, our hearts, ourselves, our worlds.
Vessel’s 7th cohort is one year away.
You can join our waitlist here
In the meantime, I hope you know you’re all powerful enough to change the world.
Go out and vote!
For those of you who have been waiting for news on the upcoming Hypnotherapy Certification Training coming up next month… Details on how to apply coming next week.
Course will be held live in Brooklyn, NY.
Dates for Module 1, Dec 15-19 and Module 2, March 23-27. Both modules must be attended in person and are mandatory for completion of the training.
Vessel is a prerequisite.
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