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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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ayeh hoodie hug workshop Jan 31, 2024


...are like wearing a hug. 

Don’t you think?

I spent the weekend cleaning my closet (because I’m one of those people who fold things when I’m stressed.)

And I discovered that I own more hoodies than actual clothes. 

Which should surprise no one. 

Because, let’s be honest. Have you ever even seen me without a hoodie?

There’s something about hoodies. They’re like the textile, wearable version of whatever chicken soup is. 

When I started running workshops in 2019, I wanted workshop hoodies. 

Because, #hoodies. 

But also because the workshop space is some kind of magic. 

The safety. The warmth. The comfort. The feeling of home. 

And in a workshop hoodie, I get to wear a piece of Ayeh with me wherever I go. 

I’m writing this email at my dining room table, sitting in my workshop hoodie, having just ordered a bunch more branded stuff for the February Ayeh. 

My hoodie carries whiffs of lasagna, toddler cuddles, my teenagers’ attitude, and feels like home. This hoodie has held and been hugged by hundreds of people. 

And I love that. (Even if it also makes me feel like I need to take a long hot shower.)

I love that the logo is an Alef, an A, a tent and moon. 

I love that it represents the strength of women coming home to their innate wisdom. 

I love that this is the life I get to live. Surrounded by women who are nothing short of warriors. 

I love that I used the word love a bunch of times just now. 

I love. 

That is enough. 

I’ll probably never have enough hoodies though. 

If it’s your time and place to join us at Ayeh, you’ll know. 

And we’re excited to meet you. 



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Life happens in little bits. Learn to love the little bytes.