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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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Have you Ever Noticed

ayeh breath magic space workshop Feb 06, 2024

that space has an uncanny ability to fill itself?

It’s a law in the Universe. I think. 

I mean, have you ever cleaned your closets? And dumped bags of stuff?

And everything looks amazing and neat and pretty?

And then just a few weeks later you wonder where all that newfound space went?

Because clutter just insidiously found its way back in somehow?

Space is one of my things. I crave space. 

Maybe it’s related to being a breathwork person. 

Or growing up with a bunch of siblings.

I never feel like I have enough of it. 

I also didn’t always appreciate how much of it I really need.

I used to think that all I needed was to plan everything down to the last minute and detail and log it in my schedule. 

I used every inch of space and time in my life to the fullest, and yet was always feeling empty.

Because ironically, I never realized that I needed to make space for… space. 

That’s been a work in progress for me. 

Learning how to take space. 

 Someone recently asked me to “just figure out what I want.”

And what I really wanted them to understand was that I already have figured it out.

I just want space. Lots of it. 

I want the space to say no. 

I want the space to take naps. 

The space to sit on the floor and play with my son.

I want space to breathe and to run and to look up at the blue sky and smile.

The space for creativity to flow and something new to surprise me. 

 There’s a godliness to space. 

Makom, the Hebrew word for space, is one of the names of G-d. 

Because while spaces are empty and call to be filled, there are some spaces that are different. They're not empty. They're full of something more.

Spaces that are intentional. 

Spaces where if you listen with your whole body, you can feel a movement working in them. 

Spaces where if you show up with your soul, you’ll know you’ll be met by something greater than yourself. 

Because some force, some divine knowing, has always been there, waiting for you. 

The week before the Ayeh Workshop, I take space for myself. 

I take time to breathe, to meditate, to prepare, and to visit the kever of my Rebbe where I pray for the success of all of the Ayeh participants and staff. 

And I take time for gratitude. 

Applications for Ayeh close today. There’s still time to meet us in that space. 

With space and deep breaths,


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