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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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Essence and an Invitation

breathwork invitation names training Feb 26, 2025

Fally is one of those unique names that people tend to stop and ask about. So, from an early age, I learned to wield it as so much more than just a synthesis of syllables.

And so, I’ve always had a thing for names.

There’s always a story behind a name - try asking, you’ll see.

I’ve heard hundreds of tales, each one fascinating. Every name is an adventure. A search for origins. A tapestry of meaning.

And I’ve always been drawn to the power a name holds. Strings of letters, a spiritual code, a blueprint for the soul.

It’s a map of where we’re from - and a promise of whom we have yet to become.

Choosing names has always been a sacred experience for me. Whether naming a child or a project, I pour intention, research, prayer, and more than a sprinkle of something miraculous into the process.

This entire year, I’ve been waiting for the right name to emerge for the breathwork facilitator training.

We ran under the name QuintEssence, a nod to a core principle I believe in - that there are five life forces - food, sexuality, money, breath, and G-d - and they are all deeply interconnected. I knew from the start that this facilitator training would go beyond breathwork  that we would transform at the level of all five - and we did.

But the name QuintEssence was a placeholder. It worked as a DBA while our cohort played with new name ideas, inside jokes, code words, and brilliant title concepts that just didn’t seem to click.

Because here’s the thing: There are a lot of breathwork schools out there. And we are all different in ways that matter. Our name had to capture and highlight the best of who we are and what we do.

Like the way we spend a full year immersed with an intimate cohort,
And how Torah is woven into every teaching and facilitation.
Like the ever-changing playlists we breathe to (and share with the class!),
And the advanced, detailed monthly practicums (with more playlists!).
Like the hilarious and wildly supportive WhatsApp chats,
And the hands-on supervision students receive from myself and the staff.
Like a morning spent entirely in underwater breathwork,
And how sound, song, and movement underscore everything we do.
Like the way we’ve learned to lean into intuition, to read each other’s minds,
And how we honor each breath as a note in the unending song of creation.

I worried the right name would never find me.*

Until it did. Flitted into my heart and perched there like the first birds returning for springtime

It clicked.

And I can’t wait to share it with you.

Yes, there’s still a little wait.

Speaking of waiting - there are now more than three times as many people on the waitlist as there are spots in the upcoming cohort.

Those on the waitlist will get early access to applications and interviews, and once those early slots are taken, there may be few (if any) remaining.

If you’re considering joining this advanced facilitation training, it's strongly suggested that you sign up for the no-obligation waitlist here.

And if you’re already on the waitlist, keep an eye out for an invite to a free Zoom call in the coming weeks. You’ll get to hear more about the training, meet graduates, and ask them the questions only they can truly answer.

Names carry power. They shape us, call us forward, and whisper gently, lovingly, yet urgently of who we are becoming.

For the past year, I’ve been listening - waiting for the name that could hold everything this training has become. And now, it’s here.

A name that isn’t just a title, but a reflection. A calling.

In breath and song,


*It is absolutely the name that chooses us. Not the other way ‘round. Like Ollivander said, “The wand chooses the Wizard, remember...”

** Seriously, if you're the serious, committed, high achieving future facilitator that belongs in this cohort, get on the waitlist. You'll have a chance to ask me all your questions on the Zoom call and get a taste of the amazing people you'll be interacting with all year. Don't pass this one up!

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Life happens in little bits. Learn to love the little bytes.