Can I be Human for a Second?
Dec 26, 2024
Skip that.
Women don’t get to be human.
We hold down the fort, fry the latkes, spin the dreidels, plan the parties, buy the gifts, keep fighting kids apart, help crying kids make up, wipe tears, eliminate fears, hold hands, heal hearts, and also make time for everything else.
Women don’t get to be human.
But that’s because we were never meant to be.
Adam was created as the first human.
Chava was created after.
She was created to be super human.
Prefix: denoting a thing which is situated over, above, or higher than
If women are often expected to be super human, it’s because we are.
….But we don’t always feel that way.
Mostly because we aren’t celebrated for who we are and how we were designed to be
Kirtzono. As He desired.
A woman is an object of desire. In her supernatural state, she is Chaya- Aim kol chai. The life giver of her world.
Are you brimming with life Kindred,
Or is it anxiety?
Are you feeling full to overflowing?
Or stressed to the point of breaking?
Yeahhhhh, me too.*
That’s why I’m here in your inbox.
With a reminder that you’re superhuman.
You're super
And you’re human.
And I see you.*
You deserve to be seen and held and celebrated and supported by women who get it.
That’s what’s happening in Ignite.
Registration is open and the cohort is already shaping to be something special.
We can always use more amazing in our tribe.
Your brand of super is exactly what we’re looking for. Your human too.
There are just a few days to take advantage of the early registration discount! And as an added bonus, you’ll get your playbook mailed directly to your door! That’s how excited we are to have you on board.
Light more than just the candles this Chanukah, Ignite the spark of life that is your birthright and legacy.
Fally* Seriously, me too. Winter blues hitting hard. I was supposed to be recording Ignite content the other day and had to cancel because I didn't want your upcoming modules to feature my cranky voice and stuffy nose. It was so hard for me to cancel that recording day. But I did it, and that's a story for another email. Look out for it next week.
* If you’re a guy on my email list, go home and tell this to the women in your world. Bonus points!
* IGNITE25 is the code you're looking for. It gives you an insane $200 discount. Hurry, because this code expires Jan 1 at midnight.
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