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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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BS"D - It's Not What You Think

ayeh birth breathwork bs"d death event failure immersion sex surrender trust Aug 14, 2024

B’Siyata Dishmaya. 

It’s not the BSD I’m talking about, but it’s a good place to begin. Let’s start with that one.

With the Help of Above

G-d fearing Jews put those little letters at the top of every handwritten (and even printed) page. Denoting that nothing on this Earth happens without the Will and Assistance from Above. 

I’ve had a lot of learning to do on that one. 

Perfectionism and disciplined willpower have been my coping mechanisms for far too long. Life has taught me to show up like a soldier and that success isn’t free and that it's the hard work and endless pushing myself to higher, more unattainable goals that will generate rewards. 

That’s been true for a long time. Or at least true for as long as I wasn’t willing or ready to consider the cost of showing up in that way. 

There is a cost. There always is. 

Because the laws of being human mean all our thoughts and actions are subject to laws of balance and nature. And everything comes at a price. 

That’s why we use BS”D. We remind ourselves that there is a way to tap into something greater than us. The Will of the Divine. Because only Hashem has the capacity and ability to make something from nothing. To generate at no human or material cost.

And our writing BS”D at the top of each page is a reminder as much as it is a prayer. A reminder that we don’t have to do it alone, and a prayer for the help we need to make it happen. 

But that’s the BS”D you know. 

There’s another. 

In my world, we use BS”D to talk about the Birth, S-xuality, and Death continuum.  

(I hyphenate S-xuality to get past your email filters and also because when I use that word, what I’m really speaking to, is our ability to use our creative force in this world.)

We go through these BS”D cycles many times in life. 

Every life cycle begins with a birth. An idea. A spark of something new. 

It continues with development, the creativity needed to sustain, enlarge, enhance, and manifest it into being. 

And always, cycles must come to a close. A death of sorts. Where all things, even very wonderful things, must end. 

In the Western world, we are so afraid of death, we will do anything to avoid having to face it head on. We’ll go to any lengths to sustain an illusion of life, long after it has gone brittle and withered on the inside. 

Because in the West, we haven’t learned that the BS”D continuum isn’t a line. It’s a circle. 

Death isn’t the end. 

It’s the letting go required for new life to take root. 

My perfectionism and ability to soldier on no matter what, served me for a long time. But it came at the cost of knowing when and how to surrender and let go. 

I used to think that if I couldn’t “make something work,” whether it was a plan, a commitment, or even a relationship, it meant I had failed. 

Recently, I made a commitment to someone and commented, “For the first time in my life, I’m going to commit to being only 100% in.” 

Which is vastly different from the old me who used to be 500% in. Or even 1000% in…Taking the outcome - the failure, or rather non-negotiable success - fully on my shoulders. No matter hell or high water, I was always fully and completely in, and you can bet your bottom dollar I’d meet you on the other side. 

Not anymore. 

I’ve learned how to let things die. 

How to rummage around in the decomposing soil until new shoots of something unexpected begin to grow. 

It’s been cathartic and scary and exhilaratingly wonderful. 

It’s such a relief to know I only have to show up 100% in order to be the best version of me. 

And the best version of me includes the messy business of birth, the beautiful business of healthy s-xuality and creativity and also the sacred unraveling in the death that begets new life. 

The Immersive Breathwork event is such a beautiful manifestation of the above. 

It promises a powerful BS”D experience for those of you who choose to attend. As you surrender to a higher power and allow yourselves the process of traveling along your own inner continuum, you will meet points of death, flow, birth, surrender, expansion, and rebirth you never dreamed was possible.

And the workshop might also become a BS”D experience for myself as we may need to cancel the event (once again!) depending on the amount of participants signed up, the weather, and how it chooses to cooperate (or not.)

It's super difficult to consider letting go of the dream that I’ve been birthing and evolving for so long... but I trust it’s much more difficult to hold on to something that isn’t flowing BS”D (the first one). 

Ticket sales for Immersive Breathwork close tonight at 10pm EST. BS”D it will be a deeply transformative opportunity no matter the outcome.*

In love and BS"D, 


* By Thursday evening we’ll know enough about the weather and other factors to determine if the event will take place. Full refunds will be given if the event is canceled. 

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