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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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Are You Breathing?

breathwork burnout podcast Mar 27, 2024

I'm a sensory person. In less fancy words, that just means that I get overwhelmed easily. 

Or at least I can, if I'm not taking care to set myself up well. 

I love the work I do. I love being able to hand people the tools and experiences they need to take their lives and their thriving back. 

Which is why I struggled so hard when the burnout started to hit. 

There was this panicked feeling of "No no no no no no no! Not this!" at the thought that I might have to one day give up doing what I loved in order to breathe again. 

I needed a lot of time and perspective from friends and mentors to realize that I didn't need to stop doing what I loved. I just needed to find a way to do it better. 

Which is why I created my courses. 

They are a way to offer the work I'm passionate about to as many people who want it, without putting as many demands on my limited time and energy. 

If you're on this mailing list, you're probably already familiar with Vessel, Ignite and Ayeh. 

What you may not know is that I also offer some in person breathwork events for women in the Tri-State area. 

Breath is one of those magical medicines I've been so lucky to encounter in my years engaged in this kind of work. While I no longer offer private sessions and do groups less often than I used to, I still feel so privileged to offer these experiences. 

To hear me speak more about breathwork and my love and fascination with it, check out Matana's Podcast by clicking on the photo:

Sending joy and deep breaths your way,


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Life happens in little bits. Learn to love the little bytes.