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Aleph Bytes

Life happens in little bytes. 

Learn to love the in betweens.

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And We Ignite!

chanukah chatzos ignite Dec 25, 2024

It’s live!

Ignite’s sixth cohort is finally open!

You’re not used to getting emails from me in the evenings are you?

Well this one is intentional. 

This year, I decided I wasn’t going to sell a single seat in Ignite until the Vessel cohort was a wrap. 

And we wrapped today with the most stunning overtime Q&A call. Eight life changing weeks with close to 300 participants who aren’t ready to let Vessel end just yet.*

But here we are. 

And it’s time to light some fires.

But I wanted you to light Chanukah candles first.

If you’ve been here long enough, you’ll know that zmanim are important to me.* A (not quite recovered) multitasker, I’ve come to deeply appreciate that the best things happen in their own time and should be given priority and presence. 

Chanukah lights deserve their own time to shine. 

I also wanted to wait until Chanukah was upon us before opening registration. Every yom tov has its special energy that we can tap into, and I love the idea of Ignite’s sixth cohort launching in a time spiritually aligned with bringing more light into the world.

And now it’s your turn to Ignite. 

I’m so passionate about this course that I’m offering admission at a significant discount if you sign up during Chanukah with the code IGNITE25. You’ll get access to the most incredible content you never even knew you needed; not to mention, lifetime membership to the most amazing tribe of women!

The wait is finally over. 

You are the light we've been waiting for.


* Vessel participants aren’t ready for the course to end! So we’re having a bonus call (or two)! Tuesday, December 31, all Vessel and Ignite participants are invited for an interactive Zoom call with Rabbi Ezra Max, an executive and leadership coach who has adapted business strategies for successful parenting and helping teens thrive. Sign up to Ignite before December 30 and get in on that call!  

* You may already know that I’m careful not to work after chatzos Friday and that I generally have Shabbos all ready by that time as well. But did you know that on Vessel this year, tens of participants accomplished that feat together with me? We made the earliest zmanim of the year with hours to spare, greeted Shabbos with ease and peace, and some of us even Friday afternoon got naps in! These courses are about so much more than you think you're getting!

* Who in your life could use a taste of Ignite? Send them this email, give them the flyer and coupon code, and definitely encourage them to check out the site. There’s a free meditation download waiting!

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Life happens in little bits. Learn to love the little bytes.